October 30, 2008

Because She's Worth It

There are so many things I love about this Bouchon Bakery
Birthday Brunch thrown by Wanwisa that it's hard to choose my favorite. If forced to pick though, it may just be the fact that she threw this party herself, for herself...because she's worth it!

Enjoy all the delightfully chic details from the invitations, the menus, the Macaron Croquembouche centerpiece, the delectable take-home favors in mini gable boxes from beau coup and the way every last detail is coordinated. ("Cookies and Milk" dessert of macarons and a side of "Milk" ice cream parfait served in tiny mugs, anyone?) All of these great ideas could easily be translated into a chic bridal shower or baby shower.

Visit Wanwisa's equally delightful blog Modern Vintage Designs for a complete overview of the event and her fantastic vendors.

Happy belated to Wanwisa and thanks for sharing your day and your photos with all of us!

October 29, 2008

Tangarang...that's FUN to say!

Not only is Tangarang really fun to say, it's also a really great Etsy Shop to browse. Get your wallet.

But what is Tangarang? In the words of Kira of Tangarang herself:

"Not content with the typical licensed party invitation kits, superhero solutions, or box-store frozen appetizers, I felt it was time to expand the choices for discerning hosts. Creating hand crafted items and coordinating them with just the right chic party products, plus providing an amazingly easy menu seemed to be just what was lacking in the party product market.

Not having enough time to run around and coordinate every detail of a party, while juggling a very busy schedule, was another reason to create a service that offered to do the planning for other hosts who wanted a hip, modern affair without stress and without the intrusion of an expensive party planner. We are all busy individuals – busy with work, kids and life in general so tangarang was created to take the hassle out of planning a great party and give back the creative joy of entertaining in style."

Would you just look at this fantastic custom-personalized baby gift idea? I'm basically dying over this. Throw a shower to match your gift or give a gift to match your shower. Perfection.

Tangarang also has a blog full of fun finds, so stop by there, too, before you log off your computer and enjoy!

Editor's Note (Okay, it's me): Not all party planners will break the bank so don't be afraid to interview a few next time you're throwing a party! It may just be the perfect fit for you. : )

October 28, 2008


Maybe it's due to the fact that I just got back from Texas, or maybe because I've been wanting to post about a fab Flickr gal for awhile now, but whatever the case may be, now seems like the right time to introduce you all to Julie with a peek into one of her amazing parties for her kiddos. This western party for Mommawants1more's 3 year old is purty darn cute, ya'll.

Julie not only throws the most amazing parties for her kids, but she is also incredibly talented with sweet treats and clearly knows how to make any occasion extra special. I'll be posting more of her talents again...trust me. I love her. Check out her site Sugar Coated Love and you'll love her, too.

As luck would have it, Totally Tabletops just did this great post on a western spin for your upcoming holiday parties. Round up a few bales of hay, some rope and yer best cowpokes and you'll be kickin' up yer spurs in no time!

October 27, 2008

Operation Give Thanks

Just a little reminder that if you live in the St. Louis area, I hope you can join us for the Operation Shower fundraiser mentioned here on November 22nd at Mandarin.

If you don't live in St. Louis but still want to help this wonderful cause, then go here to find out how you can contribute.

It's the perfect time of year thank those that serve in our military!

These Totally Get My Vote

Little Ant Design has a post up about some truly creative posters dedicated to getting out there and voting next week. Such a good find for your upcoming election parties or just to post in your yard, on your wall, in your cubicle (read your HR manual first...) etc.

I'm smitten with these. The first gets the message out with a new twist on the classic red, white and blue and it's pretty funny, too. Funny gets my vote every time. I love it so much I need to have a party based around it AND have it made into a t-shirt. Kudos to Jeff Bucholtz at Office, www.visitoffice.com.

The second is just a lovely little hippie mix of voting love by Shannon Knepper. I can dig it, man

October 22, 2008

Off to Dallas, Ya'll

Just a quick note to say I'm off to Dallas for a long weekend to visit family, friends and attend a little something you might recognize...

So looking forward to seeing Jenn from HWTM and attending this Hip Hostess event with my girlfriends that live in the Lone Star State.

See ya'll real soon.

October 20, 2008

Letterpress (Etsy) Love

Etsy never ceases to amaze me. I actually found these adorable letterpress items from lisa.sweetbeets on Flickr, and lo and behold, Lisa has an Etsy store where you can purchase them. Excellent news for those of you not lucky enough to have a retailer in your area that carries these gems.

Not only are these perfect to send but they offer some seriously good inspiration for party decor and themes. More inspiration can be found on Lisa's children's design blog, modeco kids, as well.

Enjoy these etsy delights! Did I mention they are eco-friendly? BONUS!

Thing One and Thing Two Are Here!

Say it with me, "Awwwwwwwwwwwwww."

Isn't technology grand? The boys were born about an hour ago and I already have picture mail on my phone!

October 17, 2008

Missing in Action

Apologies for the lack of posts. One of those weeks where it seems like everything happens at once. Hoping to bounce back (like the Red Sox did last night!!!) next week.

Thanks for your patience, and GO SOX!

October 15, 2008

Psssssst....discount at Plum Party

Not only is Plum Party having a big sale on Halloween goodies, but here's an extra 15% discount code for you. There's still time to get your Ghoul on.

Discount code: RIP-08

October 13, 2008

Clean Your Plate

Or better yet, keep it clean. These personalized plates from La Plates are just about too cute to get dirty.

La Plates offers you the chance to perfectly match your party theme with their customizable plates. Baby showers, children's parties, bridal showers, housewarming gifts, hostess gifts and a myriad of other occasions could benefit from this festive find.

I. Want. These. Don't you?

October 9, 2008

Falling in Love

I love everything about Fall.

Football. The first time you get to pull out your sweaters and boots. The way the colors of the leaves changing every year never gets old. The abundance of baked goods made with pumpkins (yum). The excuse to set the perfect table with some of the below goodies.

I'll be honest, I don't know where to go to get wood slices for less but know there has to be someone out there that could do it. (I'm open for suggestions.) I think these wood slices would make the perfect chargers for an autumn place setting.

If this coverlet turned tablecloth isn't your style, then what about this circle tile art used down the center of your table as a runner instead?

I love the simplicity of Wooden Serving Pieces and the playfulness of these oversized Acorn boxes; both items that have great versatility as serving pieces (check the food-safety of the acorns as you may need to use a bowl inside them first) or containers for centerpieces.

Recreate (or buy!) these Twig Hurricane Candle Holders for a rustic touch to your table or add Brass Birch Tree Stands for a more rustic modern twist. Yes, I may have just made up "rustic modern."

Set the table, get the cider ready, light a fire and don't forget to invite me.

If you'll excuse me, I have pumpkin muffins to go dream about now.

October 7, 2008

A Candy Apple a Day...

...keeps a cranky Amy away. It also keeps the "skinny jeans" away, so maybe we'll just pull out this fantastic Candy Apple Bar idea for a special party this season. Whether it's your Halloween or Thanksgiving events or just having friends over to watch some football, this idea is sure to please guests of all ages.

Drool-worthy images from Well Wed Magazine via Inspired Goodness.

Get Your Vote On

While we all might not agree on who to vote for this year, we can all agree how important it is to have a party. Um, I mean, how important it is to VOTE! Throwing an Election Party couldn't be more simple. Just take your cues from any of your 4th of July decor and get your vote on.

Make your own invitations with the blank invitations and stamps of your choice from Paper Source. (Vote, Donkey or Elephant.)

Stir up some lively conversation with Election Topics.

If you choose not to use real plates and napkins, this
set from Plum Party has everything you need. Grab some of the hats while you're there and use for decor or turn upside down and use as serving bowls (place bowls inside the hats first!) The star trays make festive servers, too!

I love the look of this
bunting to decorate everything from the front of your house, stair rails, around the bar or as your tableskirts.

Mix up these colorful
Shooters and Cocktails and serve with your favorite All-American classic foods.

Last but not least, what election event is complete without a balloon drop? Now is the perfect time to use balloons in your decor and these
Lumi-Loons are a fun twist on the old standard. I LOVE how the ceiling is completely covered in this amazing baby shower featured on Baby Lifestyles. Recreate this look with traditional red, white and blue balloons with some glowing Lumi-Loons in the mix.

I'm Amy, and I approve this party.

October 6, 2008

Sweet Mady's Paper

I love how the internet has given so many talented people the opportunity to be work-at-home parents. Sweet Mady's paper is no exception.

Mom of three, Michelle, started this adorable line of paper goods that includes everything from invitations to birth announcements. Check them out here for yourself and stop by Michelle's blog for more fun.

I am loving the simple, clean lines of these classic black, white and orange Halloween invitations and matching tags. There's something so crisp about those stripes. Love it, Michelle!

October 5, 2008

My Friend Etsy

In case you haven't read the archives, I LOVE gift wrap and presentation of gifts. I can spend hours just daydreaming of ways to wrap presents and long for the day when I have my very own Candy Spelling gift wrap room.

So, knowing that, it's only natural I find myself searching out new ways to wrap. As luck would have it, I found the Etsy store full of delights from dsharp. Do you love the simplicity of these silver buckles with ribbon or do you love it?

And this simple, yet simply brilliant, 4U wrap featured on her equally lovely blog? Oh, yes she did.

Thanks for all the inspiration, Denise.

October 2, 2008


Did that get your attention?
Okay, so they aren't edible but they are cupcakes and they are free. Totally counts.

These free downloads from A Print a Day are adorable AND they won't damage your waistline. You're welcome.

If you haven't spent hours on A Print a Day looking at all the amazing free downloads they so graciously offer, then get comfortable, because you're about to do just that. Thanks to A Print a Day for being so generous and sharing so many incredible goodies with all of us!

October 1, 2008

Spooktacular Contest!

Little Ant Design has a frighteningly fun contest right now. Click on over to enter to win one of these spooktacular changing portraits from The Ghoulish Gallery. If.You.Dare.

How creepy cool are these?