August 17, 2008

My Friend Etsy

Brace yourselves, this week's Etsy spotlight isn't even party/event related. No, I haven't lost my mind. Well, maybe a little. I am kinda losing my mind over these fantastic accessories from The Prairie Jeweler on Etsy. It's a known fact that I'm an Accessory Junkie. And, I do NOT want an intervention. Thank you very much for asking.

Not only is Michelle a super cool cowgirl chic chick, she's been crafting some pretty kickin' pieces lately. Lucky for me, you don't have to know the first thing about country living to appreciate them!

So very ethnic/boho/earth mother fabulous. I want.

I like big cuffs and I can not lie, those other brothahs can't deny.

Go forth and get your shop on.


ashley d! said...

i absolutely adore etsy too! i have two little shops there.

these jewelry pieces are amazing!

Jess said...

ooh! love that cuff!

The Prairie Jeweler said...

You lil' vixen you!!! I didnt know i got a spot in your party haven?!?! I blush I blush!
Mad love for ya hun! (I better get my tail in gear... i have Fall pieces to post and they are yummy)