April 6, 2009

Write On! GalaFont

Looking for hand-written envelopes, placecards, favor tags, etc., but traditional Calligraphy isn't your thing? Then this is for you!

GalaFont offers a fantastic alternative with custom hand-lettering in the block-letter architectural style. I happen to be a huge fan of this type of lettering. Must be all the years I've spent around architectural drawings in engineering firms. Unfortunately I still haven't picked up the skills to write like this. Now, thanks to Danielle of GalaFont, I can cross that off my "Things To Do" list and pay her to do it. Problem solved!

So if you are in the market for a personal touch for your next event and are looking for something more hip and budget-friendly than traditional calligraphy, stop by and see Danielle.

You're welcome.


Kendall said...

I love that writing style and am so bad at trying to recreate it! I'm such a font freak; thanks for sharing!

Michelle@Everyday Celebrating said...

Along with Kendall, I'm a font freak. And I love this style of writing. So much so, that I've actually talked to interior designers about it and the classes they take to learn it and keep it consistent. CRAZY! I want in on one of those classes! LOL